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#lifeatPERTAPIS | Norfazillah Shariff

Meet Norfazillah, Deputy Head (Social Work) at Pertapis Children's Home. She leads the Social Work Department, working closely with the Social Workers in meeting the needs of the children in hopes for the child to return to the family and prosper in the community.

Q & A with Norfazillah

What is your role and how did you find your way to your current role at Pertapis?

I am currently the Deputy Head (Social Work) at Pertapis Children's Home. I joined PCH as a participant of the Professional Conversion Program (PCP) in 2017 and graduated as a Social Worker in 2019. I continued my journey as the team leader for the Social Work Department in 2020 and was then tasked to be the Deputy Head (Social Work) in February 2021.

What inspired you to be a social worker?

The human resilience in overcoming their adversities regardless of their background is such an inspiration to me. It shows how adaptive humans can be to ensure they survive the trials that they faced.

I hope to be able to walk with them in overcoming these challenges and be a supporter and advocator for them.

How would you describe a day at work at Pertapis Children’s Home?

I work closely with the Social Workers of PCH in meeting the needs of the children in our care. Case conferences are the norm for me as I work with the Social Workers and the stakeholders in discussing the care plan for the child as ultimately, we hope for the child to return to the family and prosper in the community.

On some days, I will join the children during their recreation time which is one of the main joys of working in PCH. Playing with the children allows me to de-stress and reminds me the reason why I am here.

Is there anything about your role that you find challenging and how did you overcome them?

It takes a village to raise a child. There have been instances where working with stakeholders can be challenging as it may hinder the progress of the care plan of the child. In some instances, it’s a challenge to manage the child’s emotions and expectations when stakeholders are not responsive. As social workers, it is important to validate the child’s feelings and emphasis that it is not their fault that there have been no progress.

How has Pertapis supported your career growth throughout the years?

Despite having no experience in the Social Service sector in 2017, Pertapis gave me the fullest support to complete my training and education. Pertapis continues to believe in me and gave me opportunities to challenge myself to do more for the children in PCH.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?

Mr Maser, PCH’s previous licensee and former Secretary General of Pertapis. His heart for the children inspired me to continuously give my best for the children. When he comes to the Home to conduct licensee visit, he will earnestly ask the children how their day was and if there was anything that they require.

What advice would you give to your younger self, or someone who is interested in joining the social service?

Be prepared to go beyond your comfort zone and that it is important to manage your expectations with your clients. I hold this quote close to my heart, “Sometimes your client’s best doesn’t look like your best and you have to be okay with that”.

What's something most people don’t know about you?

I aspire to be a farmer when I retire.

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