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#lifeatPERTAPIS | Nazmi Nasir

Meet Nazmi, a Senior Social Work Aide at Pertapis Halfway House (PHH). Nazmi started out as a Welfare Officer with us and has since moved on to his current position. He shares with us his journey while working at PHH and why it has been a fulfilling experience for him so far!

Q & A with Nazmi Nasir

What is your role and how did you find your way to your current role at Pertapis Halfway House (PHH)?

I started out as a Welfare Officer for a few months when I first joined Pertapis in 2019. Subsequently, I was given the opportunity to be a Case Worker and decided to embrace the challenge to get myself more involved in the rehabilitation process of our residents.

My current role is to support the residents in finding their foothold and bring about a change while sustaining the minimum standard of living for them. In addition, securing adequate assistance in their rehabilitation journey. This includes skill upgrading courses, employment opportunities and more.

How would you describe your journey in the Social Service sector?

My journey in the Social Service sector has been amazing and fulfilling! I’ve met countless individuals who has shared their experiences that I value. This journey has taught me to take the small victories and to assist individuals to make small, positive changes in their lives.

What is a typical workday like for you?

My workday starts with the daily staff briefing, followed by group work with the residents. Around noon, I would start with the administrative matters of the job and meet with the residents to address any concerns.

In the evening, I would spend my time with the residents indulging with activities such as exercising and playing futsal to destress and also bond with them in a healthier way.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The most fulfilling part of the job is seeing our clients finishing the programme and having attained life skills that are beneficial for them in their rehabilitative journey. Our clients arrived as strangers but left Pertapis as a valued family member who left lasting impressions in my life.

How would you describe the culture at Pertapis?

I would describe the culture in Pertapis as family oriented. This gives us the freedom to share our ideas and opinions as we all share a same purpose in delivering the best services to our residents/clients. The staffs and colleagues here are supportive and willing to help each other overcome any challenges.

How has Pertapis supported you in terms of career growth?

It is important that deepen our knowledge through skills upgrading for our career growth. At Pertapis, we are given the opportunity to grow through courses, staff development and acknowledging our efforts in attaining our career goals. In addition, I am thankful for my bosses who have seen potential in me and pushing me beyond my comfort zone in order to achieve a better version of myself.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their career in the social sector?

I would say go for it! This career allows you to help people and make a difference in their lives, giving them hope for a brighter future. You will truly get to know yourself as you help others. It is fulfilling as it is challenging. The challenges will push you to grow as a person and provide you with a sense of satisfaction.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?

My inspirations come from my own Head of Home, Mr Sufian Salim. He started off as Case Worker and now Head of Home from his decades of dedication to the social sector. His ambition and strong-will nature allow him to be a good navigator of resources that can serve the community in need. I hope in the future, I can emulate his dedication in serving the community.

Get to know more of our passionate and incredible employees at #lifeatPERTAPIS and learn how you can be part of the team!

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