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#lifeatPERTAPIS | Cheenee Ramos

Meet Cheenee Ramos, a Nursing Aide at Pertapis Senior Citizens Fellowship Home (PSCFH). Being part of the Crisis Response Team, she was the first on the ground to assist when the first Covid-19 case hits the Home.

Q & A with Cheenee Ramos

What is your role and how long have you been with Pertapis?

I am a Nursing Aide at Pertapis Senior Citizens Fellowship Home (PSCFH) and I’ve been happily working here for two years.

You were part of the crisis response team, how did you react and respond when the first Covid-19 arise?

First of all, I am honoured to be part of the crisis response team as it has given me the chance to learn and experience new things. We were equip and aware of the SOPs to anticipate crisis scenarios prior to any positive cases. Hence, when we had our first Covid-19 case at the Home, we were able to control the situation though it was not easy to be working on the ground. However, with the help and support from the team, we were able to keep the situation under control.

What do you like most about your role?

I enjoy rendering care to the residents. And to me, there's nothing more satisfying than helping out when they need it the most.

Is there anything about your role that you find challenging and how do you work through it?

My work involves long hours and I am on-call staff in case of any emergencies in the Home concerning the residents. The nature of my job my job can sometimes make me feel tired mentally and physically. Due to this, I make sure to take my vitamins and have enough sleep on my off days. I also make time to video call my family in the Philippines in my free time and that helped me to cope during challenging times.

What would you be doing if you were not in this role?

If I did not pursue my nursing profession, maybe I am a Pharmacist now. My second dream was to become a Pharmacist like my sister.

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